Video Product Detail :
HLS-250T Semi-Automatic Tray Sealer, Packaging Machine to Simplify the Process of Packing Square or Box-Shaped Containers or Food Containers, Producing Airtight Packaging So that the Quality of the Product Inside is Maintained
Spesifikasi :
- Model : HLS-250T
- Tegangan : 20V/50Hz
- Daya (Watt) : 600
- Dimensi (P x L x T) : 470 x 320 x 610 mm
- Berat : 26 kg
- Kecepatan : 480 pcs/jam
- Maks. Ukuran Kemasan (P x L) : 200 x 140 mm
- Baki Maks. Tinggi : 110 mm